Salicylic Acid for Acne! Do we really need this?
I am sure I don’t need to give my insight on acne since it’s a common issue all of us face multiple times. Also, everyone has their take on getting rid of them, some use home remedies, for some a small drop of toothpaste works. However, what about the stubborn ones, how do we get rid of that acne. I myself run around for solutions and some of them don’t even make sense but I don’t hesitate to try. I was always more of a home remedy person, but recently I gained a little confidence in an ingredient that is “Salicylic acid”… I am not an expert on it but…
“Clinical Formulations with Integrity”- THE ORDINARY…Review!
The Ordinary…is actually a brand offering solutions in its most humble and true form. I was introduced to this brand through Tasha’s youtube channel. The Ordinary falls under DCIEM, which has brands that focus on advanced functional beauty. They provide crucial solutions for skincare as well as hair care. I decided to use a product that is specifically for dry/ combination acne-prone skin and bought The Ordinary Niacinamide. This formula is easily available online or at any pharmacy over the counter. Niacinamide or Vitamin B3 is believed to be an excellent solution for various factors. The most important one is that it reduces the size of the pores on the…
Mask-acne, A new lifestyle issue…!
Mask-Acne..or Mascne….these two words have come to be thanks to the ongoing pandemic. We already had numerous lifestyle issues and now there is a new one on our list. The face mask is an important and crucial part of our attire now due to the current scenario. We can forget an accessory but forgetting a face mask can be dreadful. There are numerous kinds of face masks that have come to be and a few of them have been listed in my previous post wherein I shared my feedback and suggestions. However, I recently started facing this issue and I was sure I had to share it with my readers…