The defined road to Menu Planning!
What do you think makes a great menu? It’s not always about the food or taste or its appeal, a great menu also matters! How many of us have seen a menu and walked out of the restaurant..well…yes, we do. I have personally seen menus and said I don’t think its this that I want to eat today and I am sure many of us have. “ A unique menu is a way to the great success of any restaurant” Menu engineering as we hoteliers say is an important factor to be considered. What do you think is menu engineering? As for me everything that your menu says will lead…
Did someone say…..LUXURY?
Luxury Management is focusing on a brand / product and for a certain group of audience. So how does “Luxury Management” lead to “Luxury Hospitality Management” or can Hospitality Management make luxury its integral part. In todays’ time every guest demands Luxury. Every property (hotel group) has a list of criteria they need to follow so as to fall under the category of Luxury. With changing times, there is so much to extend and every Hotel chain has something unique to offer. I had come across a term used by one of the leading hotel chains …..they mentioned ..“We are in the business of Sleep”. Another group used “Home away…